Total 'Brella Stalkers

Sunday, December 18, 2011


      Happy December everyone!! Are you all caught up on your favorite holiday movies?  I may or may not (have definitely) watched the Muppets Christmas Carol 3 times already.  So its a cold coooold day here in Massachusetts (although I'm sure its majorly brutal for our Canadian neighbors so I guess I can't complain too much) and I wanted to take a sec, reach out, and say hi!

- I've been super busy preparing things for the upcoming store site (due to be launched by January 1st! by our web guy, Eric Wing!).

-O Magazine is coming out in a couple weeks- keep an eye out for some familiar umbrellas in there ;)

-I've been painting up a storm with these amazing commissions you guys have requested! Really creative ideas! A lot more in progress :)
      So here's the scoop on the mass production of the designer 'brellas: The printing company has given me the ETA of March.  Way later than I had hoped but evidentially thats the nature of the printing beast. S'ok though! In the meantime, we're preparing everything that needs to be done for shipping to all that helped me on kickstarter.  T shirts, decals, and cards will go out with the pre-ordered umbrellas :)  *Those who are also getting custom 'brellas will hear from me waaay before then, don't worry ;)  One awesome thing that we're enabling on the website is: a Pre-Order link! Which means all your friends who are wicked jealous of you and those who were too late in pledging on K.S. can now get their 'brellas!  Another great thing that will be there is a "Custom Hand Painted Design" link. Not too shabby!

Here are the paper proofs that the printing company sent me last week! 
Gonna get the actual umbrella samples next week! So excited! 

Its the holidays and I'm super sentimental about stuff around these times- Just wanted to say: Thank you :)  I'm so so soooo grateful and excited for what I have and that this company (my dream!) is turning out to be even more amazing than I imagined!!  I'm a very lucky girl :)

Lots of love to everyone! Huge hugs all around!! and a high five for good luck ;)  

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